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About AGFinancial

Serving more than 66,000 amazing clients across the world

$8 billion in assets entrusted for our management and stewardship

In the last 10 years, $380 million has been distributed to churches and ministries through AGFinancial and affiliates

More than 70 years of serving churches and ministers, providing financial solutions to foster ministry growth

Partnering with more than 4,000 churches in the nation

Our core values are firm and unwavering. When you work with us, you can rest assured that your money is going to advance the Kingdom, supporting missions, churches, and AG ministries around the country

Our Story


Our work began when the Assemblies of God issued its first church loans and retirement distributions to ministers. In the decades since, we have been privileged to partner in ministry with AG churches and organizations across the country.


AGFinancial was officially organized, providing financial solutions and services to Assemblies of God churches, schools, organizations, and ministers. From insurance to retirement to church loans, we have been blessed to help numerous churches and people protect their assets, prepare for the future, and realize God’s vision for their ministries.


We celebrated our tenth anniversary, but that wasn’t the only milestone—AGFinancial reached $731.7 million, and retirement distributions to MBA members totaled $24.5 million.


We continue to support ministries across the country, working in partnership with pastors and AG leaders to advance the Kingdom. Our commitment and values set us apart—we exist to foster ministry growth and help you reach your financial goals.

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