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There’s a return for both the investor and for ministry; investors receive a competitive rate of return, while funds invested with AGFinancialtransform lives by providing loans to grow ministry.

Investments that Impact Ministry

With rates as high as 3.82%, AGFinancial investments can do more. There’s a return for both the investor and for ministry; investors receive a competitive rate of return, while funds invested with AGFinancial change lives by providing loans to churches and ministries.



An investment consultant will help you create an investment strategy to further maximize your return.


We understand your need for liquidity and will work with your financial institution to transfer money as needed.


Convenient online access to funds allows you to see your balance, transfer funds, and more.

Investment Rates

About Us

With over $3 billion in assets, AGFinancial is one of the nation’s largest church investment and lending institutions.



Number of Loans. Over the past three years*, AGFinancial has funded over 432 loans, increasing our current AG lending portfolio to more than $1.2 billion. Our emphasis on competitive rates, flexible borrowing limits, and responsible decision-making has made AGFinancial one of the largest church lenders in the United States.

Net Assets Ratio. As of March 31, 2019, AGFinancial’s net assets ratio (capital) was 21.99%.


Renewal Rate. Over the past three years*, approximately 77% of the principal balance of maturing Investment Certificates has been renewed or reinvested annually, excluding Demand Certificates and Investment Certificates held by entities affiliated with AGFinancial.


Growth. In the fiscal year 2018-2019, over $168 million in new funds flowed into AGFinancial. This growth brings the current total funds investors have entrusted with us to over $873 million.


“Not only do we receive more on our investment than what I could get with a money market or a local bank, but we sleep better at night knowing the money we invest is being used to further the Kingdom. There are two returns. There’s a return on the investment, and there’s a return to the Kingdom.”

Bryan Jarrett, Pastor | Northplace Church, TX


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