Planning a Church Expansion? Ask These 6 Questions First

Planning a Church Expansion? Ask These 6 Questions First

One of the most common questions we receive from churches beginning a construction project has to do with the best way to start. Since every church is unique, taking time to prayerfully answer the following six questions before  you call an architect, contractor, or lender will help put you on the right track to planning a successful project that meets the needs of your ministry.  

1. What is the unique calling of your church?
Let your unique ministry calling lead your church expansion project so your facilities meet both your current and future needs.

2. Are the vision and goals of your ministry well defined?
What are the core needs of your ministry? Where are your largest growth areas? To plan a project that will meet the future needs of your ministry, your goals need to be well defined. By articulating the vision, you will have a benchmark from which to make decisions.

3. Are you fully utilizing your current space?
Before you commit to building, ensure you are maximizing your current space. Assess how your facilities are being used and search for creative ways to better utilize them. 

4. Have you considered alternative options to expanding?
Adding services or making minor renovations may provide additional time to plan and save for a larger expansion project that may better meet your future goals.

5. How will your new facilities be shaped by your church vision?
Your facilities should be designed with ministry functions and activities in mind. This is where creativity and innovation come in. Many churches purchase and renovate existing buildings—corporate offices, warehouses, storefronts, etc. Others build new buildings, designed specifically for their needs. Whatever you choose, make sure your ministry vision will be served.

6. Can you afford to expand?
Can your church afford to build right now or would it be best to wait? Prudent planning includes making sure you are in a healthy financial position before beginning any type of expansion project. For an easy way to see where you currently stand, take this quick mortgage assessment.

Answering these crucial questions as fully and carefully as you can is the best way to start your expansion project on the right foot.

If you would like assistance planning your next project, feel free to call 800.449.5626 or email to speak with one of our church loan consultants.