riskmgmtLIVE: Be Prepared for Anything

riskmgmtLIVE: Be Prepared for Anything

When it comes to managing risk, knowledge is the best defense.

Imagine this: your church is growing, thriving. Your staff is united in purpose and spirit. You’re confident you’re doing everything right, until WHAM! Out of the blue—an unfortunate incident occurs and a lawsuit follows.

The accusation? Sexual misconduct with a minor by one of your volunteers. Now you are faced with a devastated young child, outraged parents, and a lawsuit.

Soon you discover that in desperation to fill a volunteer shortage quickly, your church failed to do a background check on the accused volunteer, a simple step that would have both protected the children and reduced your liability.

To make matters worse, the church’s liability insurance policy does not include sexual misconduct coverage. Now how will you cover the costs of defense and a legal settlement?

Although this story is fictional, it illustrates the types of devastating situations we hear about regularly. You think it won’t happen to you, until it does.

The good news is most of these situations can be prevented—but not without reliable, current information that equips you to make wise decisions. Some risks are obvious liabilities. Others aren't. To truly protect your church, you need to be aware of them all.

That’s where Risk Mgmt LIVE comes in. It’s a free monthly video series designed to show you the best ways to minimize your liability and maintain uninterrupted, effective ministry.

Topics cover the latest laws and potential risks to churches regarding everything from concealed weapons to child safety to insurance, and much more.

Each live, 30-minute discussion features the professional insight of Dr. Richard Hammar, legal counsel for the General Council of the Assemblies of God, and Jerry Sparks, president of AGFinancial Insurance Solutions. They are two of the country’s leading experts on risk management for churches and ministries.

From their first-hand experience dealing with suits brought against churches, Richard and Jerry identify risks you didn’t even know you were taking. Discussions also include real questions from the online audience, made up of ministers like you. You can view past discussions and download risk management resources on the Risk Mgmt LIVE Resources page.

Don’t wait until you find yourself in a devastating situation. Prepare now to safeguard your congregation and your ministry.

To speak with a risk management professional about your church, call us at 866.621.1787.