Take Action to Protect Your Data

Take Action to Protect Your Data

In today’s digital world, with major data breaches occurring on a regular basis, it’s essential that precautions be taken to protect your assets.

A critical step is to safeguard your personal information. Think about the personal details you post on social media. Would it be difficult for someone to determine the year you graduated high school or locate your wedding anniversary date? Such information is frequently used as answers to your security questions. Don’t make it easy for someone to guess the answers to your security questions, as this may compromise your identity and allow unauthorized access to your funds. Additional steps you can take to protect your data include the following:

• Ensure the information we have for you is up-to-date, including your email, address, and anyone who has been granted access to your portfolio.
• Do not send personal information or completed paperwork through unsecured email (secure messaging to AGFinancial is available through Online Access).
• When creating online accounts, select a unique username and choose more than one security question.
• Regularly change your login credentials and do not share or reuse your passwords.
• Ensure the software on your mobile devices and personal computers stays updated to help deter hackers.
• Browse websites with caution.

At AGFinancial, protecting your personal data is a high priority. We employ a variety of best-in-class processes and tools to enhance security for all clients. Additionally, Online Access makes other security measures available to help protect against identity theft and fraud. Consider taking advantage of the following:

• Sign up for Online Access and log in regularly.
• Set up two-factor authentication to require a verification code sent each time you log in.
• Opt to receive an email every time there is a successful log in.
• Select multiple security questions for an added layer of protection.

By staying aware of activity on your account, you can proactively monitor any fraudulent activity that may occur. But the responsibility for establishing Online Access and adding its security features falls to you. Take action today to protect your personal information and sign up for Online Access.

AGFinancial makes every effort to protect your information through multiple safeguards, and it is important for you to do your part, too. By working together, we can take precautions that protect your assets against online threats.